Our Governors

Chair of Governors:  Mrs J Yarwood                                                    Contact: Yarwoodj@stj.fa1.uk

The Trust Members meet at least once a year and are responsible for:

Appointing Trustees 
Agreeing the strategic direction and vision of the Trust   
Approving accounts

The Trust board meets 6 times a year and is responsible for:

The establishment, terms of reference, constitution and membership of sub-committees in line with Trust Articles
Setting aims and objectives for the Trust and services
Setting targets by which progress towards those aims and objectives can be measured
Performance of the Central Services and schools
Holds the CEO to account

Each of the Schools within Forward As One CE Multi Academy Trust has its own Local Governing Advisory Board (LAB). Each LAB has a set constitution, governing the types of members and the numbers of members in each category.

Each Local Governing Advisory Board operates under delegated powers, assigned to them by the Trust Board and has its own Chairperson, elected by peers from the Local Advisory Board.

The Local Advisory Board at St. John’s CE Primary hold our leaders to account for performance, progress, and attainment. At a local level, we aim to have representation from staff, parents, church, and the wider community.

Current members of our LAB are:



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Primary School


James Street, Failsworth, Manchester, M35 9PY

Miss L BonterHeadteacher

0161 694 8096


Miss E EarleSENCO